Saturday, August 30, 2008

Credit Card Debt Was An Inevitable Situation As Credit Cards Became The Norm In Almost Every Household

Category: Finance, Credit.

Credit card debt was an inevitable situation as credit cards became the norm in almost every household. The problem is it is just too easy to spend money but now people are looking for ways to try and pay off the thousands they owe to the finance companies.

Cards have become easier to obtain and more tempting to use, which is a lethal combination. Generally speaking the only way out of this predicament is by using a credit card debt relief solution. This fist stage is the most difficult but once the decision has been made it is then just a matter of looking at all the credit card debt relief options available. The card holder must cease using it whilst he or she finds an option or the situation will just get worse and will never be resolved. The three debt consolidation plans detailed below are going to be your best options although they are by no means the only one available. A good alternative to this option is a consolidation loan at a low interest rate where the debtor can decide exactly how much they can afford to repay every month after the outstanding debts have been cleared.

The easiest method of debt consolidation is where the person still has a good credit rating and uses another credit card that has a low rate of interest where all the debts can be transferred to one card. This option does require a certain level of commitment on the debtors part as once the debts are clear there must be no temptation to use them again. At this point, debt negotiation is one option available, provided you decide to make a lump sum payment and if the debtor lets a credit card debt relief company negotiate with the creditors on their behalf. Remember, consolidation by card or loan will only work if the debtor has not already damaged their credit history. Normally, when these negotiations proceed approximately half the debt will need to be paid and the remainder to be written off by the creditors. Whilst this final option may at first appear to be the best it means credit in any form will be difficult if not impossible for a very long time until the credit history starts to build once again in a positive manner.

The final option is bankruptcy which should not be taken lightly but if the debt is totally out of control and there is no way to escape from the debt trap then filing for bankruptcy may be the only way out. Hopefully, the debtor will learn a lesson from this so they do not require relief from their credit card debts in the future as bankruptcy is an option that will not always be available.

Friday, August 29, 2008

It Helps To Have A Good Unsecured Debt Consolidation Loan

Category: Finance, Credit.

If you have always wanted to know more about this topic, then get ready because we have all the information you can handle.

At times, that pile of bills seems impossible to deal with, a mountain you ll never get out from under without taking drastic measures. Bankruptcy is an ugly word, but a very real possibility to many people struggling to pay a laundry list of bills that never seem to end. But bankruptcy isn t the only alternative to a life chained to the never- ending cycle of bills, late fees and more bills. But refinancing is for people who own a home, right? Think about consolidating your debt in a single loan, a form of refinancing that helps you put your finances back in your control and your life back in order. What if you don t have a home, or you don t want to risk losing it by putting it up for collateral?

From now until the end of this article, take the time to think about how all of this information can help you. That s where an unsecured debt consolidation loan comes into play. Unsecured debt consolidation loans do not require collateral. Lenders are able to stay in business by covering their risk with higher interest rates than they offer on secured loans. You can pay off all your other creditors and keep your house- or lack thereof- out of it. But this can still translate into lower monthly payments for you, especially if your credit cards carry high interest rates to begin with and you ve fallen into the trap of paying late and accruing late payment fees. It helps to have a good unsecured debt consolidation loan.

Those disappear when you pay off that debt with the moneys from your competitive loanand you may be able to negotiate a better interest rate. And don t forget, shopping around always pays off. If you shop around, and still find, negotiate that the interest rate is not going to make enough of a difference in your monthly payment to make life comfortable again, consider choosing a long- term loan. Lenders credit score since lenders do look at your credit and employment history when they consider you for a loan. While you will generally end up paying out a greater total amount by the end of the loan, lengthening the life of your unsecured debt consolidation loan will lower your average monthly payment. Unpaid or slow- paid bills wreaking havoc on your credit score?

That right there could make all the difference in the world. Some lenders will consider you despite your credit history. While the interest rates are higher and the limits to what they ll loan are lower, your credit score will improve when you get the loan, and having all those creditors paid off will do nothing but increase your credit score. A good employment history proves stability, and even if you don t have the best employment history there are, lenders who will, again offer unsecured debt consolidation loans to almost anyone. If you bills are getting the best of you to the point that you re actually considering bankruptcy, stop. Look into an unsecured debt consolidation loan and see how easy it can be to save your credit and peace of mind. Gather up those credit card bills, department store card, utility bills bills, medical bills and any other bill that s costing you sleep at night.

As they say, so continue to, knowledge equals power read information on this topic until you feel you are adequately educated on the subject.


Q: How Long Can A Consumer Reporting Company Report Negative Information - Finance and Credit Articles:

The Fair Credit Reporting Act( FCRA) requires each of the nationwide consumer reporting companies- Equifax, and TransUnion, Experian- to provide you with a free copy of your credit report, at your. request, once every 12 months.

The Same Goes For Which Airline You Normally Use - Hannah Cliburn's Finance and Credit blog:

Just because one of your friends says they have the best airlines card does not mean it will be the best one for you. You will need to not only look at the airline cards and what they have to offer but also at your spending habits and traveling habits.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

In Fact 75% Of People Who Enroll With Debt Reduction Agencies Don T Finish The Program

Category: Finance, Credit.

Before we go into the details of how to pick your debt reduction agency, it would be right to introduce to the uninitiated on what a debt reduction agency actually is.

They try to bring down the interest rates so that you are in a better position to pay your debts. To put it simply, a debt reduction agency works for you as a negotiator with your creditors. When you are looking for your debt reduction agency there are a few factors that you need to keep in mind and evaluate the agencies according to how they measure up against each of those factors. Some agencies will actually ask you to deposit the first month s payment as security which they will claim will be refundable once you are through with the program. When you join a debt reduction agency it is customary that you will have to pay a startup fee. What actually they are banking on is that you will leave the program midway so that they can keep the money. If an agency stands to gain more if you don t finish your program, then it would be wise to stay away from such an agency.

In fact 75% of people who enroll with debt reduction agencies don t finish the program. Some would not give back your deposit even if you pay all your debts off but don t stick to their terms and conditions which can even include paying more of your monthly dues than what you were supposed to. Generally startup fees shouldn t be higher than$ 20 Some agencies charge a monthly fee which you have to pay along with your monthly dues. Such agencies are a strict no- no. But you will be surprised to know that most of the states don t require you to pay your agency any monthly fee. So make sure what are the rules n your state.

But that an agency will only clarify if you ask. Also if you indeed need to pay, it should never cross$ 3 The debt reduction agency is not just there to negotiate with your creditor and collect money from you. Be sure that your agency offers such services. An integral part of their duty is to counsel you on how to manage your money and your debt and what are the best avenues open to you to deal with the problem of debt. The debt- reduction agencies do personal counseling for you- in most cases, and they show, free of cost you the way for how to reduce the heavy burden of your debts. After discussing various financial issues with you, they will even plan your budget in order to avoid being caught in such an unpleasant scenario again in future. They first review your current debt and other financial situation, and then keeping in view your future financial goals, they give you some valuable piece of advice and help you make a debt management plan.

The debt consolidation department of these agencies will even try to negotiate with your lenders in order to get the interest rate and the monthly payment reduced. The debt consolidation loan provided by these debt reduction agencies follows a very simple procedure. Most of the time, the debt consolidation brings for you an easy repayment term and a low interest consolidated singly monthly payment. All you have to do is to make the consolidated low interest single monthly payment to these agencies, and they will take the charge after that. Obviously, they charge a reasonable fee for this service, but it is worth paying that much in comparison to the freedom you get from all the hassles of dealing with your creditors. They will divide that amount among your lenders as per the new terms. Overall, debt reduction agencies provide some excellent debt consolidation services that can help you reduce the unbearable burden of debts easily.


Don T Let Your Poor Credit Get You Down- You Can Still Get A Loan - Finance and Credit:

Don t let your poor credit get you down- you can still get a loan. However, there are some who will take a chance with you.

You Can Get A Very Good Credit Card Deal By Extensively Ferreting Through The Ones That Are Available - Finance and Credit Blog:

To begin with, you have to be aware that when looking for an ideal credit card, it ought to be one that comes without more charges or costs, requires ninety to a hundred percent of bank balance as its credit limit and entails a minimum sum of cash as the least bank balance.

Are You Deciding If You Should Apply For A Credit Card Well, If You Are, To Be Frank Like Many Of Us, Living In The Civilized World, Should I Apply, The Answer To For A Credit Card Is, Yes - Finance and Credit:

Are you deciding if you should apply for a credit card Well, if you are, to be frank like many of us, living in the civilized world, should I apply, the answer to for a credit card is, yes. In fact, credit cards are a contemporary, financial revolution.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Non- Perfect Credit

Category: Finance, Credit.

"Blessed are the young, " says Herbert Hoover, "for they shall inherit the national debt. " Debt, in whatever language or guise, is bad. Does this mean you are forever disqualified from owning a home?

But what if you ve incurred debts and find it hard to dig yourself out of them? Some would say yes. Non- Perfect Credit. Poor credit loan mortgage rates show otherwise. Poor credit is a term related to a credit rating system. Credit reporting agencies are not concerned whether these actions were done willingly, or were due to financial adversities. Financial institutions label you as a Poor credit risk if you have missed payments, declared bankruptcy, made late payments, or insufficient funds to pay debts, or defaulted on a loan.

Generally, if you have Poor credit, you could be denied credit, charged higher interest rates, or have more difficulty getting future loans. Help When It s Needed. If you have Poor credit, let alone a, getting a mortgage Poor credit loan mortgage rate, is challenging. While having Poor credit is bad, it does not make it impossible for you to land a loan. This is true even if one has a flawed credit history. Some companies focus on treating all of their customers as individuals, rather than just as another credit score.

They believe that they can find the perfect rates and terms for all individuals. These companies believe that by buying a house, you have already shown a degree of responsibility and achievement in life. These companies will try to get you a mortgage loan, even if you have experienced bankruptcy or had a foreclosure. When searching for a Poor credit loan mortgage rate, these companies can help with credit approval problems, such as hard- to- prove income, an excess of existing debt, and a lack of perfect credit. Hidden Costs. Moreover, they will try to get you the best Poor credit loan mortgage rate in the market.

Shopping for the best Poor credit loan mortgage rate includes shopping for the best loan costs. You might also be required to deal with: ■. These costs not only include the interest rate. Application fees. ■. Broker fees. ■. Appraisal. ■.

Credit report fee. ■. Points( a point equals 1% of the amount that you borrow) ■. Loan term. ■. Prepayment penalties. So, always review the costs before signing on the dotted line, Having Poor credit should not prevent you from taking out a loan mortgage. When you have Poor credit and are applying for a mortgage loan, you are more vulnerable to inflated or phony loan costs. Be sure to search for the best Poor credit loan mortgage rate because this will ultimately lead you to the perfect lender for you!

Come for never ending charming poor credit future with instantmortgageusa. com.


Types Of Business Credit Cards - Jenny Grimmer's Finance and Credit blog:

If you are an entrepreneur hoping to start a new business, a business credit card may be just the thing you need. When business credit cards were first offered to the businessperson, they were geared more toward corporate executives.

The American Express Blue Card Is No Exception - Patrica Bashaw about Finance and Credit:

Nowadays, credit cards are loaded with great features and benefits.

A Wealth Of Information Is Contained In Your Credit Report - Araceli Teems's Finance and Credit blog:

A wealth of information is contained in your credit report.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Rewards Are Received As A Cash Rebate Or A Credit To The Cardholders Account

Category: Finance, Credit.

With credit cards, there are varying degrees of the benefits you receive from using one.

These often have reward programs that provide a greater benefit of use than regular ones. Most card companies offer higher levels in the form of platinum cards. Platinums usually have a lower interest rate than regular and even gold credit cards. This low interest rate is a reward to platinum customers for the amount of purchases they make using the platinum card. In nearly all cases, platinums are offered to those consumers who use their card to make a relatively large amount of purchases. Obtaining a platinum credit card isn t always as easy as obtaining the lower level credit cards.

The credit score requirement is related to the amount of credit the card issuer gives with the platinum credit card. Most companies require applicants to have a good credit score to receive the platinum credit card. Since the credit limit on a platinum credit card is higher than most cards, the card issuer must have some assurance that the cardholder will pay the balance in a timely manner. Companies use these rewards as a way to urge cardholders to make purchases using the platinum. One of the notable characteristics of platinum credit cards is their reward programs. Cash rewards are one of the most popular rewards offer. The percentage awarded in cash ranges anywhere from 1% to 5% with the average reward being around 3% .

The cash rewards are given as a percentage of the amount of purchases made using the card. Rewards are received as a cash rebate or a credit to the cardholders account. After accumulating a certain number of points, the cardholder can redeem the points for items offered through the credit card issuer. Many platinum credit card companies have a point system that rewards points instead of cash for the purchases made using the plastic. Most commonly, points can be redeemed for merchandise, and travel arrangements, gift certificates. If you are not eligible for a platinum card right now, you can begin taking steps to become eligible for one in the future.

The opportunity to receive a platinum is a good reason to be responsible with your credit. The most important thing for you to do is pay all of your bills on time. When you feel you have outgrown your classic or gold credit card, seek a platinum one for additional purchasing power and benefits of using it. Should you receive an offer for a platinum in the future, your past credit responsibility will be a major factor in your eligibility.


The American Express Blue Card Is No Exception - Finance and Credit Articles:

Nowadays, credit cards are loaded with great features and benefits.

A Customer Now Uses His Card And Goes. Anywhere - Finance and Credit:

When a customer opens a new bank account, the bank provides the customer with an ATM or Automatic Teller card. He no longer needs to come into the bank for these simple transactions.

It Can Also Be Labeled As Harassment When A Collection Agency Calls You Too Often - Finance and Credit:

Collection agencies have the right to contact you if you are not responding to your creditor when they require you to pay your bills.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Fortunately Counseling Can Offer A Solution

Category: Finance, Credit.

When you are in trouble with overwhelming credit card bills, counseling is a great option for you in finding out what you can do about it exactly.

Fortunately counseling can offer a solution. Unfortunately sometimes getting into debt with credit cards is unavoidable. Credit card counseling offers a way out of this cycle by offering some advice on spending habits and how to maintain a good budget and stay out of debt. Besides this option of course you can also try to get your interest rates lowered or even your payments. There are several different places that offer the service of counseling. Getting a hold of customer service to help you with credit card counseling can be an option as well.

As well as this there are numerous websites that offer counseling. They can advise you on whether or not you qualify to lower your interest rates and this can be a wonderful option if it is available to you. They will not only help you with advice on what is needed to get out of debt but they can also help you find the best interest loan you an or even find a way to consolidate your credit cards. Online counseling can also provide you with additional information via books and tapes that also offer advice. A part of online counseling that is unique is that they can even link you to other websites, including ones with live people who can help you even better. They can help you purchase these products or look at them online. Credit counselors are excellent in helping you understand what is going on with your credit and how to make it better.

Of course you can also go the traditional route of counseling of doing it in person. They are also there to help with your creditors and receive lower interest rates as well as perhaps even lower payments. A lot of times you can find credit card counseling services that are free. They should be willing to do all they can to help you get your credit score raised. You have many choices that offer the service for no cost or even very little. A good counseling service will find the best way for you that suit your needs.

All you need to be prepared is to have all your information ready to go as well as a complete list of your debts and the amounts you owe.


Why Choose A Low APR Credit Card - Finance and Credit Articles:

Indeed, if a credit card is used properly, it can be the most powerful financial tool.

However, Nothing Is Impossible And Anyone Can Get Rid Of The Credit Card Debt Provided He Follows These Basic Things - Marjorie Degraff's Finance and Credit blog:

Credit card debt, is not an unusual situation and we can find people everywhere, who are suffering from this very problem. However, nothing is impossible and anyone can get rid of the credit card debt provided he follows these basic things.

Business Credit Cards Will Help Your Business Grow - Finance and Credit Articles:

Business credit cards are a way of decreasing the amount of paperwork, and such, receipts, that a business incurs, as well as making it easier for the accountant to keep track of the expenses.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Depending Upon The Type Of Business You Have Should Dictate What Type Of Business Credit Card You Get

Category: Finance, Credit.

Depending upon the type of business you have should dictate what type of business credit card you get. Depending upon whether or not your business is in sound financial shape, should affect your, or not credit card requirements as well.

Just like the needs of people vary so do the needs of various businesses. Your personal bank will regularly send you applications for their line of credit cards that might include very attractive features and benefits. Other companies will send you additional business credit card applications as well. Each time you get that letter it will get better. Most small businesses and even large companies will take the credit card they receive first based entirely on the fact that it came from their banking institution specifically. Although this sounds great, it is not usually the best method. Before even attempting to compare business credit cards, many times, business owners, end up applying for these offers because of the recognition and comfort level that the local institution provides them.

Yes, you will want, as a business a credit card as soon as possible while other card companies may not know of your existence. A new business will have a non- existent credit history and it will also have different needs that established businesses. While your first business credit card application will typically come from your bank, once you have established yourself with the State and Federal agencies, the applications should, however start pouring in. The business credit card companies know this, and they properly anticipate that new small business owners will be seeking a business credit card sooner than later. But there is a much better solution to acquiring a credit card for your business. This is where the problem comes in- when you want one as soon as possible instead of waiting to properly research and select one. As you may already know, the Internet is an invaluable source for information.

However, you can surely pick and choose those that would be right for your business before those papers are registered. I do not suggest applying for one until your business is registered with the state and federal agencies. Once you have all your paperwork in hand, apply for the business credit card offer that most closely fits your type of business. There are some things to be aware of however. Sounds easy enough, right? If you are a new business the credit card company will look at your personal credit history first.

One flaw in your business credit history could stop the application dead in its tracks. If you are an established company, the credit issuers will draw upon the credit history of the business entity itself, not your personal credit history. If you are the only one in your business or company that uses the business credit card then I would recommend a business reward credit card. Employees holding cards might want the reward points for their own personal use and might not be willing to use the card as often as you d like them to. A business reward card can be difficult, to manage when, but not impossible you have several cards floating around among different employees. This makes it harder to claim who gets what from the incentives.

Of course, you will not have to deal with this issue if it is only you using the card. Do you separate out the reward points or will you use the points yourself, will others feel, and if so bad about you getting the rewards?


It Is A Short Term Small Consumer Loan - Krista Fischer about Finance and Credit:

A payday loan is a solution if you are trying to feed your family or if you are between jobs.

You May Start On Those Credit Cards With Modest Spending Limit - Finance and Credit:

Sending your child to college can be quite exhausting. You are aware that college studies are expensive nowadays yet you need to ensure that all the needs of your child are provided while he/ she is attending college.

Thus, There Is A Need For You To Get The Best Credit Card In The Town - Isabel Hamlet's Finance and Credit blog:

When you are into something, you always expect for the best results possible. Best results translate to memorable and very transpiring moments in your life.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What Are Instant Credit Cards

Category: Finance, Credit.

Tempted to grab those instant credit cards at the checkout counters of your favourite stores to get those cool discounts? Some companies offering instant card approval may not be packing as much punch as they seem to promise and saving a few bucks today with some of these offers may end up costing you quite a few more than you bargained for.

Before you sign on the dotted line, you may want to read the fine print. But with so many options out there, there are still quite a few instant credit card approval offers that might still make sense for you. While many credit card companies take time to process your application before the card arrives at your doorstep with instant credit cards, you can qualify for the card almost immediately. What Are Instant Credit Cards? You can find them at retail checkout counters, department stores as well as online. Downside Of Instant Card Approvals.

And we should not forget about the never ending stream of offers received via regular mail from credit card companies pitching hard for their latest offering. Setting aside the immediacy of an instant credit card approval, there are significant pitfalls of instant card approvals to be aware of. The instant approval process is a filter that merely qualifies card applicants for the application process. A common misconception regarding instant card approvals is the notion that you will gain instant access to credit. But you still have to fill out a card application and go through the approval process like anyone else. Instant credit cards can also carry higher much interest rates than traditional card offerings in the marketplace.

With an instant approval, you qualify for the application process but not necessarily the card itself. In such cases, the card will end up costing you more money in interest than you gained in benefits. And similar to traditional credit cards, the people most likely to get instant credit card approval are those with good credit histories. Unlike traditional card offers that currently exist, some instant credit cards will not offer an introductory interest- free period at all. Instant credit cards will require an inquiry about your credit history from at least one of the major credit bureaus so make sure not to attempt to gain approval for multiple instant card approvals at once as too many credit inquiries at the same time can adversely affect your credit rating. But that is no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. If you thought instant approvals were to good to be true, you may have been right.

Spend some time researching various instant credit cards and compare them side by side. And while these type of benefits are not necessarily typical with instant credit cards, and with a, they are available little bit of effort, you can locate some very attractive offers. You can find a solid instant card approval offer with very competitive rates of interest, balance transfer features, attractive rewards programs and more.


The Minimum Monthly Payment Also Must Be Looked At - Jami Daunt about Finance and Credit:

It is a well known fact that there are so many different charge cards available today.

It S A Part Of The Agreement With The Credit Card Companies - Finance and Credit:

I know a lot of people don t like to sign the back of their credit cards.

Some Even Do Give Second Chance Credit - Finance and Credit Articles:

It will be very difficult to qualify for loans or mortgage eve to buy furniture on hire purchase. There are many ways of going about it but it is best not to get there in the first place by respecting a few simple rules about money.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

So You Had A Lot Of Experiences In Credits

Category: Finance, Credit.

So you had a lot of experiences in credits. Finally, you get yourself loosing the grip needed to sustain you financially.

At one time, you think you could handle paying the credits that you had, plus the current fixed expenses like the rentals and bills. Everything seems to fall apart and you have no choice but to declare bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can relieve you from financial obligation to creditors. It is the only way of escape, so it seems. Once you declared that you are bankrupt, the law will either provide a leeway for you to pay the debt in your own pace by extending your payment terms and conditions, or by relieving you of the obligation in place for another form of payment such property and equipment. But what makes it a nightmare, is that you have to carry a bad credit record for the rest of your life. This seems to be a good option though, since you indeed have no choice.

It will put you to the lowest credit score which denies you from making new credits which you might need in the future. The bad credit record will still make loan providers skeptical of your ability to pay. No matter how long ago it had been when you last declared bankruptcy, the record will still affect the judgment of most loan providers at present. In effect, bankruptcy lowers credit score and you cannot enjoy the opportunity of being able to loan again. Fortunately, there is a way to increase credit score. Even if you have current ability to pay for credits as you have recovered from financial loss, you are given high interest rates for your credits.

There is a financial company devoted to help individuals in rebuilding good credit anytime when you need most- RCACredit. Its financial expertise deal with boosting credit score that reaches to the lowest interest rate that you could ever have in the shortest time possible. The said company is available through online contact and direct appointment in the US. They can also eliminate your bad credit records which deny you from making current loans or affecting judgment on your ability to pay. More importantly, you can get the credits that you need at present with all the processes of making your credit records clean and increasing your credit score. In effect, they can increase your chances of having good credit standing in years ahead without incurring liabilities and debts.

RCACredit is a legal entity operating under the Act of Equal Credit Opportunity of 197They have extensive measures and procedures in rebuilding credit to the benefit of the client s credit records and the ability to get the current credit needed. This goes with knowledge on how to get approved on bank loans as they make sure that you are rebuilding good credits. They also educate you on the secrets of repairing credits that you wouldn t have known alone or with credit bureaus. As if this is not enough, you can actually read client s testimonial in their site. Through this, you will regain your confidence after financial loss and bankruptcy experience you have had in the past years once you contact the company. You would know how clients are treated and how effective their programs are.

RCACredit will be your aid in rebuilding credit resulting in high credit score that you need.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Check Your Credit Report

Category: Finance, Credit.

According to a survey conducted by the Better Business Bureau, there were about, in 2006 9 million reported cases of ID theft which amounts to a staggering$ 56 billion.

Always remember that any of your personal information can be used against you. With the advancement of technology, these identity thieves are also advancing in skills and expertise. Your social security number, credit card, drivers license, bank account numbers, address, telephone number, date of birth and full name can be used to commit a crime or a fraud using your identity. Today, they have come up with more sophisticated ways on stealing personal information through the internet. In the past, identity thieves steal wallets or search trash bins to obtain all these valuable information. What can you do to protect yourself? 8 Ways to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft. Obtaining a copy of your credit report at least once a year will help you monitor the accuracy of your accounts.

Check Your Credit Report. Carefully examine if all transactions reflected on your credit report is correct. Check that all your personal details are correct as well. Check the record of your payments. If there is any misinformation on your credit report, contact the three major credit bureaus( Equifax, and TransUnion, Experian) right away and request that the errors you found be immediately corrected. If your wallet gets stolen, thieves can easily get a lot of personal information about you.

Do not carry all your credit cards and your important IDs in your wallet. Carrying one credit card should be enough to get through your purchases. Never provide your personal information through telephone, e- mail or the internet. In case, you do lose your wallet, do not waste a minute and notify your credit card issuers instantly. Identity thieves often use phone calls to get a persons Social Security Number or credit card numbers. However, be aware that legitimate lending companies and banks do not make verifications over the phone.

They often reason that the information is needed for verification purposes. You may also receive e- mails asking you to provide confidential information. Do not throw ATM receipts or shopping receipts in the trash. Bear in mind that legitimate companies never solicit such private information over unsecured channels. When you are using the ATM or shopping, always take the receipts with you. Just make sure you shred them into small pieces before putting them in the trash. You can throw these receipts when you get home.

Keep a close watch on your credit card. This is especially true in restaurants. When using credit card or debit card to pay for your bills, make sure that your card never gets out of your sight. Some waiters use skimmers or small devices that are used to get information from your credit card. Be aware about credit card bills or statement of accounts sent by post mail. If it is not possible to keep your credit card in sight, it is best to pay in cash.

If you have not received your state of account or bills for the month, call your lenders and inform them that you have not received anything in your mail. Do not write confidential information anywhere. This is a common scheme where thieves call the bank and ask for a change of address so that the true owner of the account will not be informed about his charges. For reference, you can list down all your personal information in a separate notebook kept in a secured place in your home. If a company asks you to provide your SSN, you may politely decline and explain your stand against identity theft. Do not provide your Social Security Number( SSN) unless it is extremely necessary. A legitimate company must be able to provide their customers a written policy about how they handle confidential information such as SSN.

If a company insists, take your business somewhere else. If a company does not have a Privacy Policy, you have every right to refuse. These are just some of the ways on how you can protect yourself from falling victim of identity theft. However, keep in mind that identity thieves are more cunning and are always on the alert, ready to victimize people who do not take these precautions. Some of these are simple steps that are often forgotten or neglected by many people.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

When Was It Ever Mandatory For A Possible Spouse To Have A Good Credit History

Category: Finance, Credit.

When you find the man or woman of your dreams, you should be able to list all the things you want in a spouse and have them match the profile.

Things like, good values, good looks, loves kids, wants a lifelong relationship, is willing to see your side of an argument, loves who you are on the inside, and has the ability to maintain a good credit score. what? So what kind of things are on your list? When was it ever mandatory for a possible spouse to have a good credit history? There are a few precations that you should probably take if you are going to get married to a person who has a horrible habit of not paying their credit card bills on time. You may want to reconsider thinking about this quality in the love of your life. Cut the ties and end the relationship? Knowing what you are getting into in a marriage, financially as well as emotionally, will alow you to determine how to work out the quirks of your future spouse and enhance the qualities that they possess.

Well, it does not have to be quite that extreme. Being able to come to some agreement, despite your spouses financial bad habits will let your credit score stay where it is and perhaps even make theirs better. Often people who are married will eventually merge their accounts so that they have a joint account. Talking over your personal financial struggles will allow you to know just where you need to be cautious. This will put actions made on this account in both credit reports instead ofjust one. Perhaps, a good way, after the marriage to maintain a good credit score on one side and improve the credit score on the other side is to combine each one's accounts, but to have the more responsible one manage the payments.

If you have a spouse who is loose with their spending habits and slow with their monthly payments, you should perhaps keep your accounts separate to avoid damage to one credit score that does not necessarily deserve the decrease. If the spouse that is less likely to damage their credit score handles both theirs and their spouses finances, it benefits both sides because of their responsibility. You probably never intended to get a divorce when you first got married, but if things are not working out, it is just sometimes better to part ways. Sometimes sad and unfortunate things happen in our lives, like divorce. Life happens like that sometimes. Your credit score can be affected by your ex even after the marriage is over and the divorce is finalized. When divorce happens, it is wise to consider your credit score, even if it is one of the things you want to worry about the least.

Because of this, the best thing to do is to dissolve your existing joint accounts. You should either pay them off completely and close them out in order to keep them from being used unwisely, or you should take one name from the joint account, leaving the other responsible for all payments.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Station- Specific Gas Credit Cards Are Essentially Tailored To One Specific Brand Of Gas Station

Category: Finance, Credit.

With gas prices hovering at record highs- and with no telling when they' ll drop or even shoot up higher- most people would be hard pressed to find themselves rejecting a little bit of help on paying the price at the pumps. At first glance, these cards seem like a huge blessing- after all, who wouldn' t want to save a few cents?

In an effort to help consumers manage the prices, plenty of banks and gas companies have banded together to offer gas credit cards. However, the amount of fine print that comes along with the cards, as well as the various benefits from each, can throw a bit of a wrench into deciding which gas credit card to apply for. 1- Station Cards. In some cases, station cards can offer the consumer between 3- 5% cash return on their gas purchase, which tends to be touted as an immediate benefit of saving at the gas pump- that's cash back in your pocket after each gasoline purchase at their brand of station. Station- specific gas credit cards are essentially tailored to one specific brand of gas station. It promotes brand loyalty, and it works! Typically, you can either choose to have this money sent to you as a literal cash back, or you may choose to have it automatically credited to your next bill- helping to take the edge off your final total each month. In some cases, you' ll also be offered a 1% cash back or rebate on purchases from other vendors.

The highest rebate percentage you' re going to find for any station card is 5% , and in some cases, these are the cards you' re going to end up paying an annual fee for. These flexible gas credit cards are generally the brainchild of a bank that realizes that some consumers want to have the option of giving their business to whichever gas company provides the best price, or is the most convenient wherever they happen to travel. Again, it's worth reading the fine print- you don' t want that cash back to become a moot point if it's only going to pay an annual card fee. 2- Flexible Cards. Flexible gas cards are, cash rebate cards, again that tend to pay out anywhere between 2% and 5% on all gasoline purchases- however, you have the option of buying your gas from more than just one company. There is a catch, however- for cards with 5% rebates, you may find that there is a cap on the amount of gasoline spending that the card can pay out for. You' ll get credited for them all. This is often over$ 1, 000, though in some cases, not by much.

Although there are no perfect gas credit cards, the best course of action is to take a look at your spending habits, and choose a card that best suits your lifestyle and needs. For people who travel a lot, although it would be nice to have the flexibility of using any station, the flexible gas card rebate cap would probably hit fairly quickly.